President Ezra Taft Benson said, "The revelation to store food may be as essential to our temporal salvation today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah...For the righteous, the gospel provides a warning before a calamity, a program for the crises, a refuge for each disaster. The Lord has warned us of famines, but the righteous will have listened to prophets and stored at least a year's supply of survival food" -Ezra Taft Benson - God, Family, Country: Our Three Great Loyalties

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Acting on the Results of the 7 Day Challenge

I wanted to thank everyone for participating in our 7 Day Challenge. We learned some great things! I've compiled comments from the blog, Facebook, and things that I've heard people talk about into a Summary sheet. It was put on the blog as a previous post. It has some great insight and ideas. I know that those that participated have really worked to become better prepared, and even if you just read about it - you've been thinking about it - that's a step in the right direction!!

I got great ideas for the 7 Day Challenge from one of my favorite sites - Their 7 Day Challenge last year had over 2,000 participants so there was a LOT of great dialogue. They will be having another 7 Day Challenge sometime during September (National Preparedness Month). Go to their site to sign up - even if all you do is walk through the scenarios in your head and discuss it with your family - you're working on being better prepared! They also have a great program called 'Babysteps Checklists', you can sign up for them and they will email you (every 2 weeks) a checklist of things to buy and things to do to work on being better prepared. It's a great site for beginners! They also have a LOT of great information there - how to store in a small space, how to cook using methods and food you may not be familiar with, etc. - it's a GREAT resource!!

I also want to mention another favorite site - www.EverydayFoodStorage.Net . This site focuses on using your food storage and becoming familiar with it NOW! This has benefits because you'll know how to use food storage, you eat healthier, your food storage doesn't go to waste, and you start getting your family use to eating food storage. She has a lot of yummy recipes, and she makes it easy and fun! My favorite part is that she has lots of videos on YouTube so you can watch and follow along.

We're going to do a couple of things differently - based on some of the feedback I've received. We have a lot of people that are just getting started, so in addition to doing the Emergency Essentials Group orders (which are mostly items that add variety to your food storage, they shouldn't be the main ingredients), we need to focus more on the basics.

So look for the following changes:

*Eastvale 1st Ward and Eastvale 2nd Ward are going to hold canning days together. They will be the 4th Saturday of the month at 9:00 am at the Biehn home. Mark your calendar!!

*Immediately following the canning session, we are going to have a 'workshop' (about 10:00 - 11:00 am). We will share a couple of recipes, demonstrate food preparation or have taste tests with the food items of the month. That way people are building their recipe repertoire and learning skills with the food they have stored. This is optional - but it will be fun and there is food involved :) .

*We have the coming year planned already! Calendars are being distributed that have what the monthly food items will be. Look for it soon on the bulletin board. That way you can plan in advance and figure out what you need so you can stock or restock your supply. And, this allows us to eventually get all of the basics that we need!

*We also have a program to build our 72 hour kits over time. If you spend about $10.00 each month you will have a great kit before long! The 72 hour kit focus items will be listed on the order form - these are suggestions to help you get going, or add to a kit that you may already have. Again - this is optional, but it helps those that are starting out.

*In order to simplify everything, we've created ONE order form with all of the ordering opportunities. Remember - we're trying to accommodate beginners through advanced levels of Emergency Prep/Food Storage. There will be lots of options - don't feel like you need to do everything. Start small and do what you can! The order form will be used by BOTH wards (Click here to download September's order form).

*People can continue to do add-on orders with Emergency Essentials. If there is something you'd like to order (each month they have great sale items in addition to the Group Specials), if you're stocking up on something, or you've discovered something that you need to get, you are welcome to order with us when we put in the group order. This way you don't have to pay any shipping on the items that you order (you can spend the money on something else).

*I'm asked a lot if other people (sisters, friends, parents, etc.) can place Emergency Essentials orders with us - absolutely! I don't mind - it actually helps us reach our group order minimums easier - the only thing that I require is that I have the money and order when they are due, and when the order comes in that it is picked up in a timely manner. (It has a way of taking over my WHOLE :) garage). If someone would like to be added to our email list, please send me their information.

*Money and orders will typically be due the 2nd or 3rd Sunday. You'll need to look for the due date on the order form each month. Money and orders can be given to Sheri Bates (EV2) or Kris Biehn (EV1), or sent via mail to Kris Biehn (please make checks payable to Kris Biehn).

*We will continue to have a monthly FHE lesson about Emergency Preparedness/Food Storage. As I personally learned from the 7 Day Challenge - our families need to be involved with Emergency Prep/Food Storage and have opportunities to practice what we've talked about!

*The Stake Canner will be stored at my house. If there is something that you'd like to can (items that aren't on the list, or something you've picked up in bulk) you are welcome to use the canner. Please call to make an appointment with me. I keep extra cans, lids, and oxygen absorbers at my home for you to purchase and use, so all you need to do is bring the item you want to can.

This month we will be canning Flour and Sugar on Saturday September 25th at 9:00 am at the Biehn home. As you can imagine we have some yummy recipes to taste and share. Plan to come!

Thanks for all your hard work - we are seeing great results! If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call.

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