President Ezra Taft Benson said, "The revelation to store food may be as essential to our temporal salvation today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah...For the righteous, the gospel provides a warning before a calamity, a program for the crises, a refuge for each disaster. The Lord has warned us of famines, but the righteous will have listened to prophets and stored at least a year's supply of survival food" -Ezra Taft Benson - God, Family, Country: Our Three Great Loyalties

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday - Day 7: Ward Emergency - HOW"S YOUR FAMILY? (For those in Eastvale 1st Ward - anyone else should scroll down to see your scenario)

***EASTVALE 1 WARD MEMBERS - IMPORTANT NOTE FOR SUNDAY’S CHALLENGE: Today we are testing our Ward Emergency Plan. Those people in NOT in the Eastvale 1st Ward will complete a different scenario today (scroll down to see it).

Here is our scenario:
Our area has suffered a devastating earthquake and we need to make sure that all the members of the ward are accounted for and see if they have any needs that we should be aware of.

•For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores, and no restaurants.
•All Home Teachers need to contact EACH of their families and check on their status.
•Although you have the information now, you should wait until Sunday to contact your families. All calls to families should be completed before 11:00 am Sunday morning.
•Each Home Teacher needs to contact his Home Teaching Supervisor by 11:00 am to report his findings.
•Some families have been given specific scenarios to report when they are contacted (missing spouse, broken leg, caved in home, etc.), please relay that information to the Home Teaching Supervisor.
•Our goal is to find EVERY scenario that has been given to the assigned families and make sure that it gets reported to the Home Teaching Supervisor who will be reporting it to the Bishop. We want to see if the Bishop hears about all the needs throughout the ward.
•To celebrate the END of the 7-Day-Challenge (woo-hoo!!), we will be meeting at the Biehn’s home for ice cream at 7:00 pm TONIGHT (casual dress)! Please make sure to share that information with EACH of your Home Teaching Families!!

ADVANCED REQUIREMENTS (for anyone who feels up to it)
•Make face-to-face contact with your assigned Home Teaching families.

The goal with the 7 Day Challenge is to explore and evaluate how prepared we are for whatever emergencies may come our way. Try to participate to the EXTENT POSSIBLE with your entire family. It is okay to modify the scenario to fit the needs/schedule/circumstances of your family. And, if the most that you can do on a given day is walk through the scenario in your head and discuss it with your family – that’s ok! Anything is better than nothing!
Please make sure to:
*Fill out the Data Form on a Daily basis.
*Log onto and answer the questions and leave comments. This will help us to analyze and understand the results of the 7 Day Challenge (everyone should do this - even if you are not a member of our ward, and even if you just walk through the scenario in your head).
*Participate in the ongoing discussion on Facebook (Eastvale Prepared). Share pictures, your experience, thoughts, ideas, and insights. Let’s learn from each other!

Sunday - Day 7: Everyday Emergency - YOU NEED WHAT? (For Those Not in Eastvale 1st Ward)

***EASTVALE 1 WARD MEMBERS - IMPORTANT NOTE FOR SUNDAY’S CHALLENGE: Today we are testing our Ward Emergency Plan. THIS scenario is intended for people who are participating in the 7 Day Challenge that are not members of the Eastvale 1st Ward. Please check your email for today’s limitations and tasks.

One of your family members calls you in a panic and says they need a treat for a party they are going to (they didn’t know about it, so don’t freak out at them!). You are stranded at home with no car, and can’t get to a store.


•For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores, and no restaurants.
•You have run out of fresh butter (you can use shelf stable alternatives).
•You have run out of eggs milk (you can use powdered).
•You have run out of fresh milk (you can use powdered).
•Make a delicious dessert.
•Once the dessert is ready, YOU ARE DONE!

ADVANCED REQUIREMENTS (for anyone who feels up to it)
•Try it with no perishables or pre-made mixes at all.

The goal with the 7 Day Challenge is to explore and evaluate how prepared we are for whatever emergencies may come our way. Try to participate to the EXTENT POSSIBLE with your entire family. It is okay to modify the scenario to fit the needs/schedule/circumstances of your family. And, if the most that you can do on a given day is walk through the scenario in your head and discuss it with your family – that’s ok! Anything is better than nothing!
Please make sure to:
*Fill out the Data Form on a Daily basis.
*Log onto and answer the questions and leave comments. This will help us to analyze and understand the results of the 7 Day Challenge (everyone should do this - even if you are not a member of our ward, and even if you just walk through the scenario in your head).
*Participate in the ongoing discussion on Facebook (Eastvale Prepared). Share pictures, your experience, thoughts, ideas, and insights. Let’s learn from each other!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Saturday - Day 6: Everyday Emergency - DINNER GUESTS!

We will be testing our Ward Emergency Plan on Sunday. We want you to get the full effect of Sunday’s challenge, so make sure to check your email Saturday night after 8 pm.

Your spouse calls and announces their boss is coming over for dinner (or your boss invites themselves over for dinner TONIGHT!). You have no WAY to go to the store, and you have to come up with an impressive meal from what you already have in your home.

•For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores, and no restaurants.
•You can use whatever food you have in your house (includes fridge, freezer).
•The meal has to have an appetizer.
•The main course can’t use meat because the boss is a vegetarian (your meal CAN use milk, and dairy).
•You have to have at least 2 side dishes for the dinner.
•The meal has to have a dessert.
•You have to get other family members to help you make the meal and or set the table “NICELY” (share your pictures on Facebook).
•Brainstorm what other types of “everyday” emergencies you may have, and how you could better prepare for them.

ADVANCED REQUIREMENTS (for anyone who feels up to it)
•You only have 1 hour from when you start to finish making the meal

REMEMBER, TOMORROW’S LIMITATIONS AND TASKS WILL BE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. How long would you have lasted under these conditions? Do you have a wide variety of food items stored?

The goal with the 7 Day Challenge is to explore and evaluate how prepared we are for whatever emergencies may come our way. Try to participate to the EXTENT POSSIBLE with your entire family. It is okay to modify the scenario to fit the needs/schedule/circumstances of your family. And, if the most that you can do on a given day is walk through the scenario in your head and discuss it with your family – that’s ok! Anything is better than nothing!
Please make sure to:
*Fill out the Data Form on a Daily basis.
*Log onto and answer the questions and leave comments. This will help us to analyze and understand the results of the 7 Day Challenge (everyone should do this - even if you are not a member of our ward, and even if you just walk through the scenario in your head).
*Participate in the ongoing discussion on Facebook (Eastvale Prepared). Share pictures, your experience, thoughts, ideas, and insights. Let’s learn from each other!

Friday, August 20, 2010


Times are tough. You have no income at the time. You have lost some critical utilities and are having to cut back on certain items. It’s been a rough, trying week and you want to do something fun with your family or your friends.

•For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores, and no restaurants.
•You no longer have cable, internet (except for the challenge), or cell phones (except for the challenge) due to lack of money.
•You need to be conscientious and conserve water (remember toilets use 1½ to 3 gallons of water PER FLUSH).
•You need to be conscientious and conserve electricity.
•You ran out of bread, need some, and don’t have money for store bought -YES today is the day you have to actually try making bread.
•You can’t participate in activities that cost money.
•Do a fun activity with your family, or with your friends that costs no money outside of the home (If you have a prior commitment – that’s okay).

ADVANCED REQUIREMENTS (for anyone who feels up to it)
•You can’t afford gas for your car, and you’re on empty.
•Your power gets shut off!

REMEMBER, TOMORROW’S LIMITATIONS AND TASKS WILL BE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. How long would you have lasted under these conditions? What can you do to conserve money? Do you know how to use your food storage? Do you know how to make bread?

The goal with the 7 Day Challenge is to explore and evaluate how prepared we are for whatever emergencies may come our way. Try to participate to the EXTENT POSSIBLE with your entire family. It is okay to modify the scenario to fit the needs/schedule/circumstances of your family. And, if the most that you can do on a given day is walk through the scenario in your head and discuss it with your family – that’s ok! Anything is better than nothing! Please make sure to:
*Fill out the Data Form on a Daily basis.
*Log onto and answer the questions and leave comments. This will help us to analyze and understand the results of the 7 Day Challenge (everyone should do this - even if you are not a member of our ward, and even if you just walk through the scenario in your head).
*Participate in the ongoing discussion on Facebook (Eastvale Prepared). Share pictures, your experience, thoughts, ideas, and insights. Let’s learn from each other!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Your doctor has indicated that you need to make some changes to your unhealthy eating habits. You need to eat more grains and legumes, and stay away from processed food. Fortunately this is a benefit of using your food storage!

While traveling on the 91 freeway to your doctor’s appointment, you learn that there is an accident up ahead. A tanker truck has caught on fire and exploded (does this sound familiar?). There is no way to exit the freeway. It is expected that you will be sitting in traffic for about 6 hours. This part of the challenge is more of a “THINKING” opportunity.

•For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores, and no restaurants.
•You can’t use any pre-packaged or convenience foods.
•Your breakfast has to be low sugar.
•Your lunch has to be low fat (if you’re at work already, think about what you could have brought or made).
•Your dinner has to be from scratch using whole grains and/or legumes.
•You have to have 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables today.

ADVANCED REQUIREMENTS (for anyone who feels up to it)
•You have to figure out how many calories, grams of sugar, grams of fat, and grams of fiber are in what you are making.
•Your whole family has to adapt to this healthy living for the day (you can’t just make yourself a healthy sandwich and give the kids hot dogs).

REMEMBER, TOMORROW’S LIMITATIONS AND TASKS WILL BE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. How long would you have lasted under these conditions? What are the benefits of food storage? Have you prepared your car in case of an emergency? Do you keep your gas tank above 1/2?

The goal with the 7 Day Challenge is to explore and evaluate how prepared we are for whatever emergencies may come our way. Try to participate to the EXTENT POSSIBLE with your entire family. It is okay to modify the scenario to fit the needs/schedule/circumstances of your family. And, if the most that you can do on a given day is walk through the scenario in your head and discuss it with your family – that’s ok! Anything is better than nothing! Please make sure to:
*Fill out the Data Form on a Daily basis.
*Log onto and answer the questions and leave comments. This will help us to analyze and understand the results of the 7 Day Challenge (everyone should do this - even if you are not a member of our ward, and even if you just walk through the scenario in your head).
*Participate in the ongoing discussion on Facebook (Eastvale Prepared). Share pictures, your experience, thoughts, ideas, and insights. Let’s learn from each other!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


There has been an earthquake and you have lost some utilities.

DAILY LIMITATIONS AND TASKS:•For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores, and no restaurants.
•Your water pipe broke, and you have no water access. Your family is limited to 1 gallon of water per person of stored water. A family of 4 would have 4 gallons of water to use for drinking, cooking, hygiene and cleaning (toilet not included).
•The power has been cut off.
•It’s the 2nd day of the earthquake, your fridge food has gone bad, but the food in your freezer has managed to stay cold enough to use.
•During the earthquake a beam fell on your computer(s) and crushed it. (Using the crushed computer to go onto Eastvale Prepared Blogspot or Eastvale Prepared Facebook is acceptable.)
•You need to make dinner with no power.
•Keep your family entertained with no power (no lights, tv, appliances, etc.).

ADVANCED REQUIREMENTS (for anyone who feels up to it)
•If you have a generator – it got CRUSHED!
•Unfortunately all fridges and freezers in your home ALSO got crushed!
•Your allowable water quota has to include toilet usage.

REMEMBER, TOMORROW’S LIMITATIONS AND TASKS WILL BE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. How long would you have lasted under these conditions? Is 1 gallon of water per person per day enough to do what you need to do? Is the data on your computer backed up? If you had no electricity, do you have things on hand to deal with that?

The goal with the 7 Day Challenge is to explore and evaluate how prepared we are for whatever emergencies may come our way. Try to participate to the EXTENT POSSIBLE with your entire family. It is okay to modify the scenario to fit the needs/schedule/circumstances of your family. And, if the most that you can do on a given day is walk through the scenario in your head and discuss it with your family – that’s ok! Anything is better than nothing! Please make sure to:
*Fill out the Data Form on a Daily basis.
*Log onto and answer the questions and leave comments. This will help us to analyze and understand the results of the 7 Day Challenge (everyone should do this - even if you are not a member of our ward, and even if you just walk through the scenario in your head).
*Participate in the ongoing discussion on Facebook (Eastvale Prepared). Share pictures, your experience, thoughts, ideas, and insights. Let’s learn from each other!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


The goal with the 7 Day Challenge is to explore and evaluate how prepared we are for whatever emergencies may come our way. Try to participate to the EXTENT POSSIBLE with your entire family. It is okay to modify the scenario to fit the needs/schedule/circumstances of your family. And, if the most that you can do on a given day is walk through the scenario in your head and discuss it with your family – that’s ok! Anything is better than nothing! Please make sure to:
*Fill out the Data Form on a Daily basis.
*Log onto and answer the questions and leave comments. This will help us to analyze and understand the results of the 7 Day Challenge (everyone should do this - even if you are not a member of our ward, and even if you just walk through the scenario in your head).
*Participate in the ongoing discussion on Facebook (Eastvale Prepared). Share pictures, your experience, thoughts, ideas, and insights. Let’s learn from each other!


There has been an outbreak of the swine flu (or something like it) in your city, and you are ordered into quarantine in your home. (YESTERDAY’S LIMITATIONS DON’T APPLY, THESE ARE ALL NEW)

•For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores, and no restaurants. Today is more of a “THINKING” day then a “DOING” day.
•You can’t leave your house at all (if you have a prior commitment – it’s ok to attend! Participate to the extent that you can!)
•Some of your family members have been infected and have fevers/stomach flu and need proper medication.
•You need to provide comfort foods to infected family members to make them feel better.
•You have used up ALL the toilet paper and paper towels in your bathroom and kitchen, you can only use what you have stored extra (wherever that may be).
•The family members that have not been infected will stay healthy so long as they follow proper recommendations, meaning proper hand washing and sanitizing, and even wearing face masks.

ADVANCED REQUIREMENTS (for anyone who feels up to it)
•This is the 7th day or your quarantine, so ALL your fridge food is gone.
•You actually REALLY have to stay home – NO CHEATING!

REMEMBER, TOMORROW’S LIMITATIONS AND TASKS WILL BE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. How long would you have lasted under these conditions? Would you be able to stay in your house for an extended amount of time? Did you have all of the 'non-food' storage items that you may need?

Sunday, August 15, 2010


The goal with the 7 Day Challenge is to explore and evaluate how prepared we are for whatever emergencies may come our way. Try to participate to the EXTENT POSSIBLE with your entire family. It is okay to modify the scenario to fit the needs/schedule/circumstances of your family. And, if the most that you can do on a given day is walk through the scenario in your head and discuss it with your family – that’s ok! Anything is better than nothing! Please make sure to:
*Fill out the
Data Form on a Daily basis.
*Log onto and
answer the questions and leave comments. This will help us to analyze and understand the results of the 7 Day Challenge (everyone should do this - even if you are not a member of our ward, and even if you just walk through the scenario in your head).
*Participate in the ongoing discussion on
Facebook (Eastvale Prepared) - Click on the 'Discussion' Tab. Share pictures, your experience, thoughts, ideas, and insights. Let’s learn from each other!


There have been fires in your area and everyone in your city has been told to evacuate their homes for part of the day.

•For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores, and no restaurants.
•You have to “leave” your house within an hour from the time you start for at least 4 hours (but you don’t know if your house is going to be there when you get back).
•You can only grab what is in your disasters kit/72 hour kit and ALREADY on your grab list when you leave. *remember your house may be destroyed when you get back
•You have to eat the food from your 72 hour kit while you are gone.
•During evacuation, one of your family members cuts their toe open.
•Your spouse is at work. You have to meet at your pre-determined meeting location when he or she is done with work.
•Once your whole family reunites you can return to your house.

ADVANCED REQUIREMENTS (for anyone who feels up to it)

•You have to stay out of your house until it’s bed time.
•You can only eat your 72 hour kit food the whole day.
•You forgot your cell phone at home when you evacuated.

REMEMBER, TOMORROW’S LIMITATIONS AND TASKS WILL BE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. How long would you have lasted under these conditions? Are you prepared so that you can pick up and go if you need to? Is your 72 hour kit prepared?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What have you been working on to Prepare for the 7 Day Challenge?

Leave a comment to share what you've been doing.

7 Day Challenge Data Form

Are you ready for the 7 Day Challenge? It's coming up quick!! Here is a form that will help you keep track of your ideas/thoughts/and future things-to-do that come up during the 7 Day Challenge. Click on the link below and print off 7 copies (one for EACH DAY of the Challenge).

Hurry and finish up any last minute things so that you are better prepared for the 7 Day Challenge!!

Remember to:

Log onto and answer the questions.

Participate in the Facebook Discussion (at Eastvale Prepared), share: pictures, ideas, and your experience.

Eastvale 1st Ward Members - At the completion of the 7 Day Challenge, bring your forms with you to Church on Sunday August 29 so you can refer to them as we discuss the 7 Day Challenge.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Honeyville Farms August Sale Items

Summer is almost over and time to start thinking of getting kids back in school, school lunches, and what to give them when they do get home that is healthy and YUMMY!!! GRANOLA! I can eat “Homemade” granola by the handful…..and have you tried it with yogurt or on top of ice cream? Delicious!!!

Granola is usually made with rolled oats, but we like to make it with our 6 Grain Rolled Mix, that way you not only get rolled oats, but you also get rolled flakes from white and red wheat, barley and rye..…a really tasty mix.

This month we are putting all of the makings for some fabulous granola on sale, whether you want to make a little or a lot, we have what you need. Don’t have a recipe?……… come in and get one of ours.

Store Specials for the first part of August:
August 2 – 14

Honeyville Farms 6 Grain 50 lbs, Regular price $19.49 - Sale price $15.50
6 Grain 25 lbs, Regular price $11.13 - Sale price $8.90
6 Grain 2.875 lb can, Regular price $5.99 - Sale price $4.79
By the way…..6 Grain can also be used in cookies, bread, and makes a great hot cereal!
Honeyville Farms Shredded Coconut 4.5 lb bag, Regular price $9.19 - Sale price $8.09
Honeyville Farms Macaroon Coconut 4.5 lb bag, Regular price $9.19 – Sale price $8.09
Select Brown Raisins 30 lb box, Regular price $46.79 - Sale price $39.77
Select Brown Raisins 1.5 lbs, Regular price $4.57 - Sale price $3.93 *While Supplies last
Dried, Sweetened Cranberries 5 lb bag, Regular price $21.14 - Sale price $17.97
Sunflower Seeds (raw, unsalted) 1.7 lbs, Regular price $3.77 – Sale price $3.28
Sunflower Seeds (raw, unsalted) 25 lbs, Regular price $31.79 – Sale price $27.02
Vernal Honey (raw) 5 lb, Regular price $15.29 – Sale price $13.30
Cox Flavored Honey 8 oz, Regular price $3.19 – Sale price $2.71
Honeyville Farms Freeze Dried Peach Dices .75 lb can, Regular price $23.04 – Sale price $18.43
Honeyville Farms Freeze Dried Mango Chunks .65 lb can, Regular price $16.89 – Sale price $13.85
1.25 Gallon Bucket w/lid, Regular price $4.75 - Sale price $3.56

New items:
Honeyville Farms Tomato Powder 3.25 lb can - $21.39
“Shirley J” Beef and Chicken Bouillon, Universal Sauce Mix are just a few new items.

August classes now being offered at our Rancho Cucamonga Location:

Saturday, August 7 – 10:00 AM - “The Health Benefits of Using Whole Grains”, taught by Brenda Rojas
In this class you will learn how to incorporate whole grains into your everyday cooking; Spelt, Quinoa, Kamut, Hulled Barley, and Millet are just a few that she will talk about. She will also teach about sprouting wheat and have handouts with information and recipes using the different grains. Come attend the class and receive a discount coupon for the grains mentioned in her class. The class is free, but space is limited so come in or call to reserve your spot.

Saturday, August 28 – 12:00 to 1:30 PM, “Cooking Off the Grid”, taught by nationally known, Lisa Bedford, “The Survival Mom”
Electrical outages, rolling black-outs or just roughing it in the wilderness doesn’t have to mean eating cold ravioli out of the can! Learn how to cook off the grid, all while maintaining a commitment to eating well. This class will teach you how to cook delicious meals with a solar oven, as well as the use of a rocket stove and even a homemade hobo stove!

Saturday, August 28 – 2:30 TO 3:30 PM, “The Top Ten Foods To Store”, taught by Lisa Bedford
Are you the type of person who says, “Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it!”? This class is designed with you in mind! We’ll discuss the top ten foods, learn how to store and use them as part of your food storage. You’ll also learn how to plan meals using these core ingredients. Food storage doesn’t get any simpler than this!

****All classes taught by TheSurvivalMom, Lisa Bedford. Lisa is the author of TheSurvivalMom blog and has been featured in articles by Newsweek, The Arizona Republic and interviewed by journalists in the United States and Europe. She applies her 27 years of experience as an educator and business trainer to the field of preparedness with interactive, informative and fast-paced classes. You can read more about Lisa

Visit to sign up for “Cooking Off the Grid” or “Top 10 Foods to Store”. Each class is $15 and includes a manual. Walk-ins are welcome, but I can guarantee class materials only for those pre-registered. Hurry, seats are limited!

Visit us at - for coupons (August coupons are for Brownie and Cookie Mixes)
Honeyville Farms – Rancho Cucamonga, California
9175 Milliken Ave – (909) 243-1050
Mon – Fri 9-6 Sat 9-5

Please call ahead for Group Orders.
Sorry – no rain checks. Sale price ONLY available on single can pricing.
This sale is good ONLY at our Honeyville Farms Stores, not valid for Internet sales!

Monday, August 2, 2010

7 Day Challenge Information

Our 7 Day Challenge is quickly approaching! Are you prepared? I wanted to give a little bit more information about how it is going to work.

Our 7 Day Challenge is scheduled from August 16-22. Each day there will be a different scenario about an emergency situation, or how food storage may come in handy, or something involving Emergency Preparedness/Food Storage. These scenarios will be posted here on our Emergency Preparedness blog (, they will be posted on facebook (search for Eastvale Prepared - and become a member of the group today), and they will be emailed to anyone that is on my email list.

The information posted will give you a list of tasks to accomplish and it will tell you what your limitations are for the day (what utilities may be out, etc.) There will be a beginner level and a more advanced level for those who want an extra challenge. Some days will be harder than others. I'd like you and your family to participate TO THE EXTENT THAT YOU CAN. So here are the questions that I'm getting - Do I have to go to work?? YES. Are my kids supposed to go to school?? YES.

That being said, you may need to modify the challenge a little bit to fit your family. For example, there may be one day that the scenario states you have to grab your 72 hour kit and evacuate your home (wow - that was a HUGE :) hint) within an hour of reading the email. On that day, I might modify that challenge for my family so that we evacuate as soon as everyone gets home from school - I know where all the supplies are, so this challenge would be more effective if my kids and husband :) have to go through the process to see if THEY know where the supplies are. On another day, our schedule may be too full to fully participate, and if all we can do on that day is brainstorm and discuss the scenario as a family - that's ok! Anything is better than nothing! Try to participate TO THE EXTENT THAT YOU CAN!

When I did this, I learned a LOT of things! I had water in a 55 gallon barrel, but I didn't have the siphon to get the water out. I had planned to pack up my scrapbooks and pictures if I had to evacuate, but I realized that I didn't have any boxes or packing tape on hand. I was able to see some of the flaws with my plan and fix/modify them. A great thing to do is to take notes/create a to-do-list as the challenge progresses. I'll post a form you can download when we get a little closer to the Challenge.

Some things I'd like you to do:
*Each day of the Challenge, log onto the blog and answer the questions relating to that day (the answers are anonymous) - we'll use those answers to provide some statistics to help us better understand/analyze the results. (Does that mean you can get on the computer, even on a day the scenario states we don't have any electricity?? YES, BUT ONLY IF YOU ARE VISITING THE BLOG OR FACEBOOK SITES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CHALLENGE :)
*I'd like to see more "chatter" - comments, facebook posts - I'd like this to be fun, exciting, and interactive. We can learn and get ideas from other people's experiences that may help and improve our plan. Someone may mention in a comment or post, something that we hadn't thought about. The comments will also help us to understand/analyze the results of our 7 Day Challenge.
*Keep a list of things that you need to purchase, work-on, or add to your plan (a form will soon be available on the blog to download).
*Include your friends, family and neighbors! If someone would like to be added to the email list, let me know - I'd be happy to add them.

I've heard GREAT stories about the things that people are doing to get prepared!! That's AWESOME! So on that note - here is something to work on for your "Cram Session" - it would be a good idea to have a 72-hour kit ready to go! It doesn't have to be elaborate, and anything is better than nothing. Try to include: a change of clothes, food (that you/your kids will eat), water (the recommended is 1 gallon of water per person per day = 3 gallons per person), and a first-aid kit. If you want more information click on 'Informational Topics' near the top of the page.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions! If you facebook - sign up today as a member and start discussing!

Cram Session #4 - 72 Hour Kit

*Create a 72 Hour Kit
*Store a MINIMUM of 3 gallons of water per person.

Here is something to work on for your "Cram Session" - it would be a good idea to have a 72-hour kit ready to go! It doesn't have to be elaborate, and anything is better than nothing. Try to include: a change of clothes, food (that you/your kids will eat), water (the recommended is 1 gallon of water per person per day = 3 gallons per person), and a first-aid kit. If you want more information click on 'Informational Topics' near the top of the page.

Emergency Essentials Group Order and Sale Items for August

Check out the Group Specials from Emergency Essentials for August. Money and orders are due on Sunday, August 22nd. Please let me know what you are planning on ordering so I know how close we are to meeting the required minimums.

Tote-able Toilet Seat & Lid (bucket not included - minimum needed 12 - $6.00 (regularly $10.95)

5 Gallon Lidless Bucket - minimum needed 10 - $5.50 (regularly $6.50)

MRE Dessert Combo (15 bars) - minimum needed 6 - $12.00 (regularly $22.50)

Freeze Dried Cheddar Cheese - minimum needed 6 - $30.00 (regularly $45.50)

Freeze Dried Banana Slices - minimum needed 6 - $14.00 (regularly $19.50).

After we meet the minimum for one item we get free shipping. If anyone would like to add-on to the order, please let me know. Adding on an item that is on sale is a great way to save money. Click here to see what is on sale for the month of August at Emergency Essentials.