President Ezra Taft Benson said, "The revelation to store food may be as essential to our temporal salvation today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah...For the righteous, the gospel provides a warning before a calamity, a program for the crises, a refuge for each disaster. The Lord has warned us of famines, but the righteous will have listened to prophets and stored at least a year's supply of survival food" -Ezra Taft Benson - God, Family, Country: Our Three Great Loyalties

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cram Session #2 - Grab List

*Create a Grab List

If you need to evacuate your home in a hurry, it would be a good idea to have a list to work off of. This week we are going to create a 'Grab List'. Here is a form you can download and fill in.

Click Here to Download Grab List

Once you've completed the Grab List, you should add it to your 3-ring binder.

When we did this, I started off and wrote things down. Then, I decided to incorporate my family into the process. We moved from room to room as we were making the list. I pointed some things out that would be important to grab in each room (seriously, I think this part helped my husband :) too). Then, we went into each kids room, I let the kids think of a couple of things that they would "need" if we had to evacuate. (Remember if you had to evacuate it would be quite stressful for children - having a favorite stuffed animal or familiar toy may make a huge difference in helping them to cope with the stress around them). After it was all said and done, and as the week progressed I kept thinking about things to add to the list that I had forgotten (my jewelry box, the jewelry that we take off each night). It was nice to be able to remember something and add it to the list. I KNOW that if I was having to do this during a REAL emergency - I would have forgotten something.

I reordered the list, grouping things from each room together so that it would be easier to grab in an semi-organized fashion. I also made several copies of the list to add to my 3-ring binder. I figure that I can have my kids help me in case of a real emergency.

Some things to make sure you include on your list: 3-ring binder, important documents (birth certificates, social security cards), medication, cell phone chargers, pictures, computer (tower only), purse/wallet/cell phone, financial records (account numbers), heirloom items, items with sentimental value (if you think of something else - add it as a comment!)

As I continued to think about this, I started thinking -
*What if we had only 5 minutes as opposed to 30 minutes? What are the MOST important things on my list? I need to rework my list and maybe put an asterisk or something to prioritize the MOST important items.
*Do I have materials (boxes and packing tape) on hand that I can pack things into?
*I also thought that maybe I should use brightly colored labels on boxes that contain important items (financial records, sentimental Christmas ornaments, etc) so that if I had my kids helping me, it would be easier for them to identify the box and grab it.

I want to hear what you are doing with your grab list - leave me a comment! Do you have any great ideas to share? What items should we make sure to include?